Monday, May 3, 2010

The Wubbanub

I absolutely love the wubbanub. I was bored last week and searching amazon and came across this.

This is the wubbanub. Liam loves his passy and I am glad he does or he would be eating every 10 minutes! He constantly wants to be sucking on something. Jaiden never took a passy but was very content all the time unless it was feeding time. The passy is sewn into the monkeys mouth and by the way you can get other animals and other passy brands. But you know how newborns cant keep a passy in very good they suck and it shoots across their body and lands on the floor etc. Well this stays put. He can spit it out whenever he doesn't want it and then it is there when he does. This has really came in handy at night. And when they get a little older they can feel for the monkey in their crib at night and know that it is the passy. A little easier for them to find. Here he is using his wubbanub today. I think it is adorable :)