Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy 6 Months Liam!

I cannot believe that Liam is 6 months already. Time sure is flying by. He is almost ready to crawl. He gets on all fours and moves his legs until he does his nose dive to the carpet. I would think it will only be a matter of weeks before he is full force getting into everything. I guess I need to start thinking about baby proofing the house. I think Jaiden is liking him more and more now that he is getting mobile. This will probably last until he starts getting into her things :) then she probably won't like him so much anymore :) I really am going to try harder to keep this thing updated. Until next time.........

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

3 Months Already

I am a slacker at posting and right now I cannot find my camera cord but I snapped a picture of Liam to post with my phone. I cannot believe he is 3 months already. He is growing so fast. He is a whopping 15 pounds already. He rolled over for the first time last night. Being a stay at home mom is great. Although I think he is going to be a mama's boy because of it. :) He loves to be held!

He loves to be outside. Here he is in his stroller just chillin.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Wubbanub

I absolutely love the wubbanub. I was bored last week and searching amazon and came across this.

This is the wubbanub. Liam loves his passy and I am glad he does or he would be eating every 10 minutes! He constantly wants to be sucking on something. Jaiden never took a passy but was very content all the time unless it was feeding time. The passy is sewn into the monkeys mouth and by the way you can get other animals and other passy brands. But you know how newborns cant keep a passy in very good they suck and it shoots across their body and lands on the floor etc. Well this stays put. He can spit it out whenever he doesn't want it and then it is there when he does. This has really came in handy at night. And when they get a little older they can feel for the monkey in their crib at night and know that it is the passy. A little easier for them to find. Here he is using his wubbanub today. I think it is adorable :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

So Much For Tummy Time

So they say your supposed to have tummy time with your baby to strengthen them. Let's just say Liam is not gonna be early at holding his head up... :) Get's him every time.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Little Jealousy?

So apparently Macy really enjoys the boppy too. She is always on this thing and it makes me so mad. I am thinking that we are going to throw away her doggy bed and buy her a matching boppy. And we thought Jaiden was the one that was going to be jealous of the baby but Macy has been something else since we brought him home. She is actually really good with him but she is a nervous nelly if she doesnt know where he is at.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Liam Reeve Root

I am finally getting around to posting that Liam has finally arrived. He was born March 27, at 4:47 p.m. He weighed 8lbs 8ozs and 21 1/2 inches long. Jaiden is really enjoying having a little brother. She loves feeding him and tonight changed his diaper for the first time by herself. At first I thought I was crazy starting the whole baby thing over again after 6 years but now that he is here and Jaiden loves helping it is kind of nice having her old enough to be able to help out. Here he is minutes after he was born.

His face was a little bruised when he came out but now he is perfect in every way. He is a wonderful baby. Here he is saying good morning yesterday. He was having a hard time waking up :) Still yawning.

I am hoping that I will be updating this blog a little better now that he is here. He has his 2 week checkup on Friday and I am anxious to see what he will weigh in at. He loves to eat!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pedicure Anyone

Since I can no longer paint my toenails (without cutting off my breathing) I decided to let Jaiden give it a try. She didn't do too bad and she even made little puppy paw prints on my big toenails :) It seemed to take her a long time but she really enjoyed doing it. She called it Jaiden's pedicures.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3rd Times A Charm!

FINALLY! They are pierced... She has chickened out 2 other times and I just figured she would never get them done. Last weekend she wanted some stick on earrings so we went to wal-mart to try to find some. We couldn't find any and ended up getting nail stickers and were going to use them as earrings and I told her no one would know the difference. She threw a little fit and said they would fall off and not stick. I told her that all stick on earrings fall off the only way to have earrings stay on all the time is to get them pierced. Then she wanted a DS game and Eric told her that if she gets her ears pierced then he would buy her the game. She thought about it on the way to Evansville and when we got to the mall she said she was gonna do it. Yeah we heard that before... But when we went into Claire's she hopped right in the chair and put her hair behind her ears and was all smiles and ready to go. She picked her earrings and they marked her ears and she was good to go. At this point I think I was more nervous for her than she was. When they did it her eyes got as big as baseballs and she looked like she was going to cry but then at the same time realized that she did it and it was over so no tears were shed :) Then she says okay let's go get my game... All in all it was a great weekend!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Little Update

Since it has been forever since I have blogged I thought I would give a little update. We found out in November that we are having a boy. We are all super excited for him to get here. Jaiden wasn't real excited at first about a brother but when I told her now she won't have to share her toys she perked right up and decided a brother wouldn't be too bad. I only have 7 1/2 more weeks left. This pregnancy has just flown by for me.

And finally, we sold our house in Iowa. We closed last Friday the 12th and being homeless has never felt better :) So now we are house hunting. We had a house found but it sold before we closed on our house. Looking is usually fun for us but since Eric is only home on weekends it is hard to get that into our schedule. And with the baby due in 7 1/2 weeks it is kind of stressing us out and we are afraid we are going to jump into something we don't really want just to get a house bought and moved into. Oh well eventually we will find something.

Other than that not much else is going on. Eric is working in Kankakee throughout the week until the end of April so me and Jaiden are couch buddies every evening. Good thing American Idol is on twice a week :) I am really going to try to keep this blog updated a little better. I have really been slacking but when you spend the days at work and the evening vegged on the couch not too much happens... :)