Sunday, November 23, 2008

So Long..... Farwell

This is Diamond and Missy our Dobie's. Diamond is 3 and Missy is 1 and a half. Again, for those of you who don't know I am not a real animal lover. I don't hate them but I hate the hair, muddy footprints, slobber, and I could go on but I won't. Anyway, we just do not have time for inside dogs. They are in their crates probably all but 2 hours a day and we realized that is no way for a dog to live so we gave them up for adoption yesterday. We took them to a Doberman rescue home. Eric was kind of attached to Diamond and didn't really want to get rid of him but then he realized that he would be better off too. When we met the "foster parent" she literally buckled them both in seat belts in her back seat. Then we went on to talk about things and "signed our rights away" and she said she lives in a huge 2 story house on four acres that are fenced in and they can run and play with other Dobie's. And they have their own bedroom in her house. Wow!They are way better off than here :) Anyway we received and email from her today that they are adjusting well. I think that made Eric feel a little better about the whole deal.

By the way, this picture above is the only time ever that they had laid down and weren't wrestling around. Let's just say that they were hyper dogs. And that is one more thing I have not missed.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Missing Bat

Bat (the cat) went to visit Grandma and Grandpa this week. We are missing the cuddling.

Actually he went there to get fixed and declawed. It was much cheaper in Newton than around here. He rode back with Uncle Kendall when he left Monday. Grandma Peggy said he is doing fine after his "procedure" :) We found out that he is 6 months old. We weren't sure since he was a stray when we got him.

Goodbye Boot!

Woo-hoo finally today I got rid of my walking boot and can finally start driving again. I haven't driven since Oct 15. That is a really really long time. I just got back from my "test drive" and passed with flying colors :) I can move my toe down perfectly but still cannot lift it up. So now I have to go to 4 weeks of physical therapy. Hopefully that will get it strengthened back up. He said I should have had more movement than what I do. Let's all hope that it works!

Last Weekend

Last weekend Eric's brother and his girlfriend came up to see us. We did some shopping and tons of eating and went to the Buckcherry concert. I would post some pictures but of course I forgot my camera and I forgot the directions to the concert. Needless to say Eric wasn't very happy with me on the ride there :) Luckily he has GPS on his phone and we made it there okay.
The concert was extremely loud. They had Saving Able, Avenged Sevenfold, Buckcherry, and Shinedown. It was nice to get out and about with other adults. At this place you kind of just sat where you could find a spot and of course we get a spot that the kid (who didn't even look 21) next to us was drunker than I have ever seen anyone and by the end of the night he was puking everywhere and the guy behind us caught his hand on fire. It was a pretty interesting night.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just A Little Catch Up

I have been out of blog mode for a couple weeks but here is a little catch up. I got my stitches out a little over a week ago, still in the boot for another week, then hopefully I can drive. I think Eric is getting tired of being my chauffeur. I am supposed to exercise it 200 times 3x's a day. What a pain in the butt. I still cannot move my toe on my own so I guess we will see what the doc says Thursday.

Jaiden was sick all last weekend with a high fever. We went to the doctor and ended up she has a UTI. Poor thing. So she is finishing up her round of antibiotics. She had to miss a Halloween party at her friends house and she was pretty upset about that but I got her a Hannah Montana diary so she was over that pretty quick. She is feeling better now so hopefully we can keep out of the doctors offices for a while.

This weekend Eric's brother and girlfriend came up so we actually have people to talk to. Today we are going to the Buck Cherry concert in Waterloo. I cannot wait. I am sooo excited. I am hoping to get some pictures tonight so I can post them. Jaiden is spending the night at a friends house for the very first time tonight. (actually it is just our next door neighbors so if she chickens out we will be home late and she can come home) She is pretty excited about that.

That is about all that has happened in the last couple weeks- not real exciting but just to let you all know I am still out here :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Amber!

Hope you have a good one and I will see you in a couple of weeks!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Rock Star!

Little Miss Hannah Montana!

Jaiden really enjoyed trick or treating this year. She got sooooo much candy. Hope everyone had a good Halloween!