Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Are Commercials Teaching???

How to shake their butt! While we watch American Idol Jaiden always dances so she was already in dance mode and paying attention to commercials. So tonight the commercial for Burger King came on playing "I like square butts" so now Jaiden knows how to shake it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just Because...

Posting this picture just because I like it :)

She was being goofy yesterday and I got a quick shot in. She usually chickens out and gets embarrassed for the camera when she is being silly.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

We Finally Did It!

Finally, Eric let me get Jaiden's haircut. He was the only one holding this up. Me and Jaiden both have been wanting to get her hair cut for at least a year now. She loves it! She really liked getting it done. She was grinning from ear to ear the whole time and there were a few times she let out a squeal. It is going to be so much easier to take care of.


Ta-Da :

Here is her being silly and holding up her 9 inches that was cut off.

We are sending it to Locks of Love Monday.

Lazy Cat

So Bat is getting really lazy but this is a bit ridiculous. He now lays down to eat. He starts by eating all crouched down like a normal cat but after a few bites he sighs and flops over.\

My New Do

I have been wanting to get a cute new style for a while now but I cannot find anyone around here to do that. It seems like every time I go somewhere they never get it right. So I visited Jackie Judy at Bodystyles and she did a wonderful job. I love it! You can't see it in the picture but I also got some red lo-lites.

Better Late Than Never

I am a little late at posting Easter but it seems like the weekends we go home to Newton it takes me all week to catch up on everything. Here are a few pictures of Jaiden hunting the eggs.

Jaiden and Reagan comparing buckets of eggs. Reagan wasn't really into hunting the eggs this year. When we said ready set go, Jaiden took off and started filling up. Reagan said she was to tired :) Kevin started helping her out and then she started picking some up. She was too cute!

This hunt was at Grandma and Grandpa Root's house. Uncle Kendall had to help her out a little here. The Easter Bunny hid them a little better here since she didn't have any competition :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our Morning Routine

Me and Bat have a routine every morning. We/he wakes up to my alarm clock and then gets me up and we head to the kitchen to start the coffee. Then he waits outside the bathroom door while I shower,leaned up against it until I open the door and he "falls" in. Then while I am walking from bathroom to closet to Jaiden's room trying to wake her up, he hides under my bed and attacks my feet as I walk.

He's not so sneaky anymore. This is him waiting to make his move.

Then while I am getting ready in the bathroom his new favorite spot is in the tub watching me.

He has pretty much turned into a fat, lazy, laid back cat, which I LOVE!

The Easter Bunny Came!

Since we always go back to Newton for the holidays, we always celebrate it here the weekend before. That way she gets the feel of having the holiday at her own house. So the Easter bunny came Sunday morning. She got 6 new pet shops, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, Hannah Montana ball, tons of candy and some Easter pencils, erasers, and stickers. She didn't want her picture taken with her basket all put together so I took a picture of the basket without her :)

The Hunt

Saturday Eric started his softball playing. Since it was only about 40 degrees out,me and Jaiden decided to stay home and go to an Easter egg hunt. I really do hate Easter egg hunts because there is always that bully kid that gets tons of eggs and leaves a bunch of other kids bawling cause they have none. We didn't have anything else to do so we decided to give it a try. I tried to tell Jaiden that she would probably only get one egg because there were going to be so many other kids there. I thought she is 5 maybe she can handle it going in knowing that she will only get one. Well I was wrong. She got 3 eggs and when she came back to me, the sniffles started. She began crying softly and I told her that I was so proud that she got 3 eggs. It took the car ride home and when we got home she was much better. Needless to say we probably won't go to a hunt again.
Before the hunt started

There were probably 4 times the kids that are in this picture just in the 5 and 6 year old group. I honestly do not know if Jaiden is in this picture but it was the only one I got of them in action :)

And this one was taken after we got home and she had enough time to get in a good mood and show off her 3 eggs.