Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ear Piercing

Sunday Jaiden asked if she could get her ears pierced. She is 4 so I thought sure, if she is old enough to ask to get it done then she is old enough to get them done. So Eric, Jaiden, and I went to Claire's. We get there right when they were opening so we sat in the middle of the mall for a little bit and we talked about what earrings she was going to get. She wanted pink flowers. So we get in there and sit down. She wanted to sit on my lap while she got them done for a little "comfort". They cleaned her ears, had to mark them about 3 times to get them even, and then they get the earrings in the guns and.............

She chickened out! Yes, we came home with dots on our ears. The poor thing, her heart started beating faster and faster, then the eyes teared up and then she started crying out loud and covering her ears saying "I don't want to do this, I want to go home" over and over. So we left. On the way home she decided she needed to be 5 before she gets her ears pierced.


amberlindemann said...

poor thing....I can't wait to get Heidi's ears pierced, but it may take some convincing.

So glad to see you in the blogging world......

DeAnn said...

Hi Steph,
My how times have changed. I remember I had to be in high school before I could get my ears pierced. Keep in mind my parents were a little old fashioned...I hadn't thought about it, but it would be a little frightening.

We look forward to checking in on you guys!