Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Hunt

Saturday Eric started his softball playing. Since it was only about 40 degrees out,me and Jaiden decided to stay home and go to an Easter egg hunt. I really do hate Easter egg hunts because there is always that bully kid that gets tons of eggs and leaves a bunch of other kids bawling cause they have none. We didn't have anything else to do so we decided to give it a try. I tried to tell Jaiden that she would probably only get one egg because there were going to be so many other kids there. I thought she is 5 maybe she can handle it going in knowing that she will only get one. Well I was wrong. She got 3 eggs and when she came back to me, the sniffles started. She began crying softly and I told her that I was so proud that she got 3 eggs. It took the car ride home and when we got home she was much better. Needless to say we probably won't go to a hunt again.
Before the hunt started

There were probably 4 times the kids that are in this picture just in the 5 and 6 year old group. I honestly do not know if Jaiden is in this picture but it was the only one I got of them in action :)

And this one was taken after we got home and she had enough time to get in a good mood and show off her 3 eggs.

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