Monday, February 15, 2010

A Little Update

Since it has been forever since I have blogged I thought I would give a little update. We found out in November that we are having a boy. We are all super excited for him to get here. Jaiden wasn't real excited at first about a brother but when I told her now she won't have to share her toys she perked right up and decided a brother wouldn't be too bad. I only have 7 1/2 more weeks left. This pregnancy has just flown by for me.

And finally, we sold our house in Iowa. We closed last Friday the 12th and being homeless has never felt better :) So now we are house hunting. We had a house found but it sold before we closed on our house. Looking is usually fun for us but since Eric is only home on weekends it is hard to get that into our schedule. And with the baby due in 7 1/2 weeks it is kind of stressing us out and we are afraid we are going to jump into something we don't really want just to get a house bought and moved into. Oh well eventually we will find something.

Other than that not much else is going on. Eric is working in Kankakee throughout the week until the end of April so me and Jaiden are couch buddies every evening. Good thing American Idol is on twice a week :) I am really going to try to keep this blog updated a little better. I have really been slacking but when you spend the days at work and the evening vegged on the couch not too much happens... :)

1 comment:

Kelly R said...

Congrats Steph on baby boy news!! It is a whole new world. We won't know what to do without hairbows and accessories.