Sunday, September 7, 2008

Corn Nuts?????

For all those who know Jaiden, know that she has always been scared of any kind of insect (she would scream at the top of her lungs if there was a fly around her) until this summer. She has collected roley poly's, ants, caterpillars, etc. all summer long and keeps them in a plastic container until they die, then she "let's them go" . Well Saturday I had a garage sale and she was outside playing all morning long. She said she was collecting corn nuts. I thought to myself what kind of bug is she calling a corn nut but let her continue collecting. Later she said she needed a container for all the corn nuts she collected. I then asked her what a corn nut was and she brought me a handful of rabbit poop. Yes, POOP! I screamed for her to put them down and go wash her hands really really good. She acted like it was no big deal and went in and washed up. I am afraid my little prissy princess is turning into a little tom-boy.

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