Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holy Snow!

About 6 last night it started snowing.... again. But when it started we could see grass. All the snow was melted from before except for all the big piles that the snow plow piles up at the end of the roads and parking lots. This is what we woke up to this morning...

They were calling for 1-4 inches but we got 8. This is the biggest snow fall so far!


Aubrey said...

I am SO jealous! I would love some snow to go out and play in!

Sara F said...

The kids have been wanting snow so bad...they've had a toboggan for at least 3 years and have only gotten to use it twice. Wish we could have at least 1/2 of what you've gotten!

Knowbody said...

DRIFT. snow how could you want or be waiting for snow? a little would be nice over hear but not near what marion got!