Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Foot Now

Here is what my foot looked like Monday at my appt.

It didn't take a real good picture. My feet are not the prettiest anyway but this picture it is REALLY not pretty. The incision is 2-3 inches long. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Eric made a funny when the doctor was telling us (before surgery) he wasn't sure how bad the scarring would be or how big the incision would be, he said "well there goes your modeling contract" :) I thought that was pretty good. My next appt is the 6th and I think the stitches come out but not for sure, so I will post again after they come out. By the way, I had to take all polish off before surgery and they put the red polish on my toe to make sure they were working on the correct foot. I usually don't let my polish get that bad. :)

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